Warning – Check Your Backups
When it comes to backups, most users get overwhelmed and aren't really sure exactly what data needs to be backed up, let alone how to actually setup a solid backup solution. For many years, backups were either super slow and very difficult to manage magnetic tapes or...
Lexar Camera Card and Thumb Drive Recovery
When it comes to digital photography, Lexar has become a very popular brand that photographers look for when purchasing new SD or CF camera cards. For the majority, these cards work without issue. However, there are times when they fail. There are various reasons...
Lacie 5Big Thunderbolt 10TB RAID 0 Data Recovery
After being quoted over $7000 by two different data recovery labs, a new client recently brought in his Lacie 5Big Thunderbolt 10TB RAID 0 which contained five 2TB Seagate DM (ST2000DM001) hard drives, of which 1 drive was not detecting at all and another had bad...