Long File Paths - Still

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Long File Paths - Still

Post by lcoughey »

After years of complaing to MRT about their insisting on added a bunch of uncessary details to the file path when saving client's data out to the destination drive, it still doesn't work. When you select various files and folders within the file tree to save out, you want the same file and folder paths to used for the saved data.
MRT-Long-File- Path-2.jpg
MRT-Long-File- Path-2.jpg (185 KiB) Viewed 109285 times
Option 1 - select "File path include parent path when saving current item"

When you choose this, it adds folders to describing the drive partitioning and the partition from which the data is being saved to the file path for the data being saved.
MRT-Long-File- Path-1.jpg
MRT-Long-File- Path-1.jpg (58.82 KiB) Viewed 109285 times
When it causes files in sub folders to exceed the file path limits, a new folder in the root of the save path is created and the files are dumped there, without folder paths and causing serious issues when there are file duplicates and no way of knowing where those files are supposed to have been saved. Basically, it is absolutely idiotic, to say the least.

Option 2 - unselect "File path include parent path when saving current item"

When this is unelected, it doesn't keep the folder paths, rather it just saves the selected folders in the same spot, loosing their folder paths.
MRT-Long-File- Path-3.jpg
MRT-Long-File- Path-3.jpg (82.45 KiB) Viewed 109285 times
Option 3 - unselect "File path include parent path when saving current item" and only select folders in from root

As a work around, I can't select specific files and folders within the Users folder, rather I have to select the entire Users folder, temp files, cookies and all. This is a nuissance because we may not have bother imaging the temp files and cookies and it can add a lot of time and space to save out the extra data that our client doesn't need or want.

I'm at a loss why MRT hasn't yet resolved this. I can't imagine that it is a lack of programming skills, which leads me to think that they just don't care. I'm overdue to update my report of Issues & Feature Requests that I posted on this forum in 2018.

While there are many good things happening within MRT updates, they really need to stake some time and fix the bugs that have been reported for years.
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Re: Long File Paths - Still

Post by fzabkar »

Could this be the solution to the "long path" problem?

https://www.howtogeek.com/266621/how-to ... haracters/
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Re: Long File Paths - Still

Post by lcoughey »

I suppose it could be a work around on my end, but it would make more sense for them to fix MRT. And, what happens when a customer gets a drive with their files in the extended paths without having the registry fix on their end?
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Re: Long File Paths - Still

Post by ryangray »

You can simply use LongPathTool for fixing long path file problems
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Re: Long File Paths - Still

Post by lcoughey »

It is now 2025 and still no fix. Just tried to select specific files and folders from the Users directory and it is just a complete mess. It is so bad, it is embarrasing. And, sadly, thanks to how MRT updated their map files, using UFS as an alternative isn't working now, too.

Honestly, you'd think that there would be some level of embarrasment within the company to push them to fix it.
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Re: Long File Paths - Still

Post by CrazyTeeka »

Either they do not care, or the issue is not reaching the developers.
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