how to retrieve the data

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how to retrieve the data

Post by canvasroot »

The data loss form the computer hard disk and having the important file on there on that hard disk we have to recovery the data to that hard disk and i does not have the software to recovery the data and it will be very important for me to move forward my project have you any body are there to suggest me to recovery the data form the hard disk are you now any for any quires
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Re: how to retrieve the data

Post by lcoughey »

Your post makes absolutely no sense, other than your attempt to spam my forum with a link to your shady data recovery business.
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Re: how to retrieve the data

Post by Mubasshir »

You can use various software. There are lots you will find in the internet. I have recovered my data using Disk Drill from [Link removed by moderator]
I was lucky to recover all my 5.8 GB data using this software.
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Re: how to retrieve the data

Post by lcoughey »

The post by @Mubasshir raises red flags as being spam, but I'll allow it, for now.
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Re: how to retrieve the data

Post by mackjohn »

You did not mentioned the actual problem in right manner. But according to me you want to know how to recover lost data from hard drive. For this you can use hard drive recovery software which you can find on internet. But I recommend you to if your not much aware with recovery software then try to avail recovery services. There is a company in dwarka delhi, India, named SysTools Data Recovery Service Provider, they are a horrible company who likes to spam forums and try to trick unsuspecting users to buy their crappy software.
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