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ST1000NM0033 Drive heads

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 12:12 am
by Stevrosty66
Hi all. Hope anyone can help.
We had the above drive do a massive head crash and we took to professional data recovery. On inspection there was platter damage. They replaced heads with donor and on spin up the heads got damaged again. So essentially gave up.

Is there anything else to try? We actually have these disks from a RAID1 pair so the data is on both drives. Both failed at same time. I know they tried head mapping where heads are turned off or something. But I’m wondering if you can literally just try to only have heads on the best platters and try to recover from only the undamaged platters. I know you need a critical part of the drive ie the areas that control firmware etc. any help is greatly appreciated

Re: ST1000NM0033 Drive heads

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 12:20 am
by lcoughey
The odds are that they didn't fail at the same time and one of the two drives is out of sync. Based on what you are describing, the odds are very low to accomplish anything more than what was already done. In situations like this, to be 100% sure that every effort was made, the lab would need to go through multiple donors, cutting heads, cleaning platters and stitching a clone together, assuming that it is even possible to get the drive to a point where sectors can be read.

How valuable is the data?