
Information and discussion about DiskTuna's JPEG Recovery LAB
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Post by Joep »

Sow ..

I know JpegDigger has been discussed here so: JpegDigger formerly was for grabbing JPEGs from RAW photos however I discontinued it at some point as this was a feature transferred JPEG-Repair.

Last couple of months I ran into the situation where I needed JPEGs from memory cards and JPEG Recovery LAB takes such a darn long time, specially when it's overkill because all photos are contiguous anyway. So i decided I wanted something a bit quicker and simpler for that but it needed to be a carver.

So initially very bare bones I made myself a carver. It just scans for magic numbers. In case it finds:

a JPEG: It will start parsing JPEG markers from that point on so it can decide to some degree if we have a valid JPEG and for example dismiss it because it does not meet our set minimum resolution.

b TIFF based RAW: scan inside for JPEG magic number and if so so continue with a. So this allows for extracting high res previews from deleted/lost RAW photos. I have found it to be useful in case RAWs were corrupt after recovery.

To some degree it can detect and fix errors so saved result is at least a JPEG that can be opened and viewed using a photo viewer or editor.

It's defrag feature goes no further than detecting a NEW magic number inside it's contents > ride that out / skip until JPEG EOI marker is detected and continue file there. It may result in total garbage (yet formally valid JPEG).

When I decided to publish it, I needed a name for it and decided to recycle the name JpegDigger. ... -recovery/

Last edited by Joep on Thu Aug 01, 2019 11:14 am, edited 1 time in total. - video & photo repair & recovery service
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Re: JpegDigger

Post by lcoughey »

Nice work. Thanks for sharing.
Official Data Recovery Lab Representative
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Re: JpegDigger

Post by LarrySabo »

Terrific! Thanks so much for making this available again, and at a ridiculously low price for a Technician license.
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