Major Update 9.0.190275 Released

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Major Update 9.0.190275 Released

Post by lcoughey »

New features:
+ Several disk objects can be opened in one tab. All these objects can be simultaneously searched for files, their files can be marked and recovered.
+ Drive imaging can be interrupted and then resumed. When the user stops an imaging process, they have two options: to discard an already created partial image file or to save it to resume drive imaging later. Created partial images can be loaded, too.
+ Some extended options have been added to the drive operation progress windows. They can be altered on-the-fly.
+ File types can be searched for on the Known File Types dialog box.

R-Studio Technician:
+ A new license type T80+. R-Studio T80+ is equal in its features to full-fledged R-Studio Technician, runs for a certain period of time, and during its validity period can be upgraded to R-Studio Technician for the initial price difference. The license price of 1 USD per day is very affordable for small businesses, computer repair shops, and individual data recovery contractors.
+ R-Studio Technician is now available on our public web pages and can be tested in the Demo mode.
+Native support for data recovery hardware from DeepSpar: USB Stabilizer and RapidSpar. Such support allows the user of R-Studio to control hardware parameters directly from the R-Studio interface and create drive's sector maps to improve multiple data recovery operations.
+ Runtime imaging. R-Studio creates drive images in parallel with other drive reading operations. Next time when R-Studio accesses data from imaged drive areas it gets the data from the runtime image.
+ Multi-pass imaging. Images from problematic drives can be created through several phases reading data from good areas first and from bad and slow areas later. Such approach allows for extracting maximum possible amount of data even from quite faulty drives.
+ Support for sector maps, both in the R-Studio's format and in the third-party software ddrescue and HDDSuperClone formats.
+ I/O Monitor allows the user to inspect read/write operations in real time.

* Support for macOS file vault has been improved.
* Symlink processing has been improved, including the Mark all and Unmark all commands.
* Execution of the Save All File Names / Load File Names commands has been accelerated.
* File type icons have been added to the Find Results (Find All Files) panel.
* Message display in the Log View panels has been improved.
* Recheck Recovery Chances has been improved.
* A warning message appears when the user tries to close tabs with open disks/partitions.
* The recovered part of a file will remain when the recovery process has been interrupted.

- R-Studio may freeze when opening a RAID created from disk images. Fixed.
- The Logical Sector Size parameters may have appeared twice on the IDE Properties tab. Fixed.
- R-Studio may have frozen when creating an image of a recognized partition. Fixed.
- Files didn't appear in the Find Results panel after they were unmasked if file sorting tabs were switched.
- R-Studio may not have found a file by its exact size. Fixed.
- FAT cross-linked folders may have been processed incorrectly. Fixed.
- Zero-sized files could be viewed in the built-in Text/Hexadecimal Editor and file previewer. Fixed.
- The FAT32 bitlocker to go couldn't be recognized. Fixed.
- A disk letter for a bitlocker volume didn't change when the disk letter for its partition was changed. Fixed.
- An image file from a remote computer could not be saved to either the remote computer or local one. Fixed.
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Re: Major Update 9.0.190275 Released

Post by maximus »

Very interesting. A while back they bought a 60 day license of HDDSuperClone, and when I saw who it was I inquired if they wanted any sort of collaboration. There were a few emails back and forth, and I gave some recommendations, they asked some questions, and they were supposed to give me a license in exchange for a full license. I provided the full license (which as far as I can tell has never been activated), and did not receive a license from them. The email replies kind of stopped. Then they posted Joint work of R-Studio and HDDSuperClone. ... aging.html

But since I don't have a license to test any of their newer versions with, I still say that DMDE works better with HDDSuperClone (see video link below). But the fact that they added the ability to use sector maps from both ddrescue and HDDSuperClone is kind of cool.

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Re: Major Update 9.0.190275 Released

Post by lcoughey »

Just a thought between R-Studio and DMDE's different results. Can you confirm that they were working with the same clone/image with the exact same sectors missing from the original? If they were calling HDDSuperClone to image as they read sectors and HDDSuperClone produced different results in the imaging for each drive, we would expect different results.
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Re: Major Update 9.0.190275 Released

Post by maximus »

The test was done with the exact same image file and log file. The image and log were from a real failed drive recovery, and there was no interaction from the actual failing drive for the test. I don't remember some exact specifics, but the test was fully repeatable, and not biased. I looked for settings in R-Studio that could have possibly helped, but found none. But that was a past version of R-Studio, and I don't have access to the current version to test with, so I have no way to tell if anything has changed.

To add to that and show the level of testing that I do, since then I have actually created a clone of that drive (from the image) that simulates the bad sectors. The bad sectors are simulated on that clone by using the write uncorrectable command. So I am literally able produce produce consistent results with a fully simulated failing drive.
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Re: Major Update 9.0.190275 Released

Post by lcoughey »

That makes sense. I was trying to clarify, as I initially interpreted that you were testing those programs and how they interacted with hddsuperclone. But, as you say, this test had absolutely nothing to do with hddsuperclone and simply a side-by-side comparrison of the two programs against the same clone.
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Re: Major Update 9.0.190275 Released

Post by maximus »

I am sorry, I did not clarify correctly. This was the result of both programs running through HDDSuperClone, trying to target specific data. If the programs were ran against the full image/clone (not through HDDSuperClone), the results would have likely been even with both programs producing very similar if not the same results.

R-Studio gave up when it encountered read errors, and never tried further on the bad read, where DMDE went back and tried to get the most data. This makes DMDE better at data extraction through HDDSuperClone, as R-Studio will miss big chunks of data.
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