Image to drive not showing in DE

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Image to drive not showing in DE

Post by lcoughey »

I got a Toshiba drive here for assessment that I figured would be a safe candidate to try with MRT. But, when I created a new task in DE and chose channel 3 as the source, I was only given two different options to image to a file. My destination drive did not show up in the list. So, off it came from MRT and is now imaging on PC3000-DE.

Unless the source is very small, I am always in the habit of imaging drive-to-drive. I thought, for sure, that this system allows drive-to-drive imaging.
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Re: Image to drive not showing in DE

Post by lcoughey »

As you can see by the attached images, the destination drive was not showing. But, somehow, it suddenly showed the next time I created the task. Weird.
Select Source Device.jpg
Select Source Device.jpg (60.16 KiB) Viewed 20096 times
Select target device.jpg
Select target device.jpg (52.27 KiB) Viewed 20096 times
Select target device (now showing).jpg
Select target device (now showing).jpg (50.47 KiB) Viewed 20096 times
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Re: Image to drive not showing in DE

Post by lcoughey »

Doh! Just tried another project and it, again, is no longer showing the destination drive on the list of destination drives, although it shows up on the source list.
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Re: Image to drive not showing in DE

Post by lcoughey »

It worked that one time and hasn't worked since. Here is the response form MRT tech support.
Hello Dear,
After the analysis, there might be two possibilities that will cause the problem:
1.There is a code bug in MRT DE enumeration function, which will lead to the missing enumeration of the system equipment.
2.There might be some malfunctions in your computer system, which will lead to the unstable identification of the portable devices, so that when the USB HDD is plugged, it will happen the situation that the disk can be detected sometimes and be undetectable the other time.

For the first possibility, we did a careful check, and have not found any problems till now, but it might happen the situation that the bug will only be triggered in some specific computer systems.

For the second possibility, you said you can do the image normally in PC3000, so that I want to ask you some questions:
1.Whether this PC3000 hardware card and MRT hardware card are installed in the same computer, if not, we can not exclude whether the crux lies on the computer system or not.
2.If they are installed on the same computer, the USB disk would be detected all the time on PC3000, or you just did one test, because we can see that sometimes the disk can be detected in MRT too, so if you just did one test, the result is not convincing enough.
3.You said the external drive can not be detected in MRT, but you can see it in computer’s device manager; So I suggest you to have a check in your computer’s device manager to see whether there are automatically refresh phenomena. Because if the device is lost and be detected again, there will be automatically refresh phenomenon, and this is the prove of the unstable detection. And because the detection in device manager is real-time, so it is not easy to see the external drive once lost, but the enumeration in MRT is not real-time; when you create a new task, it is actually a snapshot of the devices, if the external device lost while you were doing the snapshot, and it could not be shown in the selecting device interface.

We are very concerned about your feedback to us, and we hope you can provide more details on the BUG you said, so that we can locate and debug it at the very first time, and thanks for your support to MRT.

In the final, if you have time, it is better for us to arrange a remote session to check it, which is much more convenient to communicate instantly and efficiently.

Have a nice day!
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Re: Image to drive not showing in DE

Post by lcoughey »

When I got the MRT card, I removed my PC3000 UDMA card and hard drive from the system in which PC3000 has been working for at least 5 years. I installed a new hard drive with Windows 10-64bit, then their card and software.

Since discovering the issue, I've re-installed MRT, rebooted the system, tried different ports and it just does not work, most of the time. But, the fact that it does work some of the time suggests that it should work all the time.

Short of the onboard USB 3 controller failing, it makes no sense to me. However, we are able to connect a clone done on other systems into those same USB 3 docks and ports and are able to fully scan the drives with various data recovery programs and copy the data out to USB 3 destination drives without any issues. So, that sort of blows the unstable port out of the water.
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